M2/GR & Essay Assignment (using GRASP)

 Essay Assignment (Globalization)

Goal:  Opinion Essay Writing task: Is Globalization good or bad?

M2 Individuals & Society, Statement of Inquiry: 

Global interactions, between individuals, corporations, and more powerful and less powerful countries have led to many changes stemming from processes involved in the quest for acquiring natural resources and public goods, or processes to produce goods for sale at a profit. These changes have affected people around the world. 

Your task is: To write a 500 word essay on the following:  Is Globalization a force for good or bad?

Your goal is to:  Present arguments in favour of your own opinion on the question. Provide reasons to justify and defend your opinion.

The problem or challenge is: to demonstrate your understanding of Globalization and its effects. 

The obstacle to overcome is: forming an opinion about Globalization;is it a good or bad thing, and why. You must support your opinion with facts and reasons. Your reasons must be supported by your research. You must cite your sources in MLA format.

Your Role: You are the author/writer and researcher. 

You have been asked to: show your understanding of Globalization and its effects and state an opinion on whether globalization is good or bad. 

Your job is: to write a 500 word essay.

Your Audience:  The target audience is your teachers, your fellow students and the adults in your life.

You need to convince: your audience of the strength of your opinion. 

Situation:  The context you find yourself in is: a student in your Individuals & Society Class 

The challenge involves dealing with: a written essay (summative assignment). 

Product and Purpose: You will create a 500 word essay in order to show your understanding of globalization and its effects.  

You need to develop your essay writing skills and your skills in defending your opinions on a question so that your audience may be persuaded to agree with you.

Here is a link to an Essay Action Plan

Use the action plan to organize yourself to compose your essay.

Standards and Criteria for Success:

Your performance/work needs to be submitted on time!  Remember: late work is marked down.

Your work will be judged by your teachers 

Your product must meet the following standard (quality) 

You will submit the following on Google Classroom:

  1. An action plan (you may use the sample planner attached)

  2. A 500 word essay (including MLA citations of all sources)  NOTE: Please review this: MLA citation guide. Use either of these online resources to help creat your MLA citations: Cite this for me and/or easybib

  3. You may also use the google.doc template Google doc template

  1. Let’s do a Vocaroo reflection again (because it’s fun!) A 100 word recorded evaluation of the process (what worked well, what did not work well in the research process) and the results (comment on your process to arrive at your opinion). 

Standard (criteria). You will be assessed using:

Criteria  A (Knowing and Understanding) i & ii

i. use a range of terminology in context; and

ii. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of subject-specific content and concepts, through descriptions, explanations and examples

Criteria B (Investigating) iv

iv. evaluate the research process and results, with guidance

Criteria C (Communicating) i, ii & iii,

i. communicate information and ideas in a way that is appropriate for the audience and purpose;

ii. structure information and ideas according to the task instructions; and

iii. create a reference list and cite sources of information

Criteria D (Thinking Critically) i & ii

i. analyse concepts, issues, models, visual representation and/or theories; and

ii. summarize information to make valid, well supported arguments


An additional 250 words comparing and contrasting  a current globalization process to one they recognize from the past (i.e., covered already, this year, in the Individuals & Society course)


  1. 500 Word Essay

  2. Completed Essay Planner

  3. Vocaroo recorded reflection

Essay-writing Planner: A recipe for success


  • a clear head

  • case study knowledge

  • a good grasp of geographical theory

  • good geographical vocabulary.


  1. Underline command words and key phrases in the question.

  2. ‘Decode‘ the question. What does the questioner wish you to do?

  3. Take time to consider the question’s topic. Use the command words and key phrases as a guide. Also, list the relevant case studies.

  4. Identify the main themes that emerge in your thoughts that address the question. These themes may indicate the points for your discussion.

  5. Decide upon a conclusion (think about where your answer is going).

  6. Write a short introduction that informs the questioner of the argument you will follow and perhaps define a key term.

  7. Limit the discussion to between two and four paragraphs.

  8. Each paragraph should have:

  • POINT: an introductory sentence that outlines the theme for that paragraph.

  • EVIDENCE and EXPLANATION: your point is developed using explanation and illustrated with selected case study evidence.

  • LINKS: each paragraph should explicitly link to the essay question and link into the next paragraph.

  1. Conclusion: synthesize your main points (bringing them together into a statement) and return to the essay question, then answer it or make a judgment. You could also look to the future.

Essay planning flow diagram

Essay title:    




Introduction – outline the argument and define key terms



V A                                B                                        C                              D

Main idea for paragraph 1:

Main idea for paragraph 2:

Main idea for paragraph 3:

Main idea for paragraph 4:

|                                                                    |                    |                                           |                                            

|                                                                    |                    |                                           |

V                                                                    V                    V                                           V               

Supporting evidence for paragraph 1:

Supporting evidence for paragraph 2:

Supporting evidence for paragraph 3:

Supporting evidence for paragraph 4:

|                                                                    |                    |                   

|                                                                    |                    |                   

V                                                                    V                    V                       

Concluding sentence to link
to next paragraph:

Concluding sentence to link
to next paragraph:

Concluding sentence to link
to next paragraph:











Conclusion – synthesize and return to the question. (Look to the future?)


The ‘essay sandwich.’


Introduction: outline the argument and define key terms.


Discussion: each paragraph should have a point, evidence,     explanation and link (PEEL). Two to four substantial paragraphs to be follow the argument laid out in the introduction. Include references     to examples and case studies, but only to support the answer.


Conclusion: return to the question (‘close the circle’).         Synthesize the main points and possibly look to the future.




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