My 2nd Lesson Plan Globalization ( M2/Grade7)

Lesson Plan Teacher Candidate: Tim Morse 
Date Lesson Taught: April 12, 2021
 Name of Mentor: .......... 
 Lesson Title: Globalization 
Grade Level and Course: MYP 2, Individuals & Societies 

 Time Segment of Lesson: One week; 3 lessons 1 x 50 minutes and 2 x 80 minutes 

InTASC Standard 2 The candidate uses understanding of individual differences, diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each student to meet high standards. Guiding Question: Does the candidate create a positive classroom climate by making students feel valued and show respect for each other? 

Guiding Question: Does the candidate use knowledge about individual differences and diverse cultures to develop inclusive learning environments that support all students in meeting high standards 1st Lesson 

Special Notes Intro of myself (why am I here?) Review of Ms.__________’s role as my evaluator - I am being measured on a rubric too! Confirmation that video recording is being done and noting objections to that and that I will edit video accordingly Review of Classroom Culture Ask them what they think it is. Emphasize: Mutual respect, support and caring to create a safe place for open and uninhibited discussions and cooperative work. 

 Each Lesson: Tool Check Do students have their action plan template (Simple version)? Do they have pen and paper? Do they have their text? 

 Lesson Topic: Unit 1: Globalization (from: Grace, Paul. Individuals And Societies For The IB MYP 2. 5th ed., Holder Education, 2020.) Understanding globalization and associated key terms and placing it in some historical context. 

Standard(s) Addressed in Lesson: There are four Assessment Objectives (AOs) for Middle Years Programme (IB preparatory course) Individuals and Societies course. Having followed the lesson, students will be expected to do the following: 
A. Knowing and understanding Use vocabulary in context Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of subject-specific content and concepts, using descriptions, explanations and examples. 
B. Investigatin Explain the choice of a research question Follow an action plan to explore a research question Collect and record relevant information consistent with the research question Reflect on the process and results of the investigation 
C. Communicating information and ideas with clarity Organize information and ideas effectively for the task List sources of information in a way that follows the task instructions. 
D. Thinking Critically Identify the main points of ideas, events, visual representation or argument Uses information to give an opinion Identify and analyze a range of sources/data in terms of origin and purpose Identify different views and their implications. 

Objective(s) of the Lesson: Students will be able to ... define Globalization comment on the causes of Globalization provide examples of Globalization create an Infographic on an example of Globalization; 6 options : globalization and sport, globalization and food, globalization and fashion, globalization and gaming, globalization and language, or approved topic provide a source list document, in MLA format, to go with their Infographic place globalization in historical context through comparison with the Middle Ages Vocabulary (and other literacy skills): Students must be able to read the assigned text, in English, with detailed comprehension. Students must be able to discuss and justify their assessment and opinions concerning that text in class. 

Student Diversity and Differentiation of Instruction
EAL students (available to all students) advance vocabulary list for all - EAL / emerging students may refer to text in their native language and /or an annotated version of the assigned text, use of dictionaries, thesauruses 
students with disability -allow ADHD students to move about the room as needed, encourage use of colour text highlighting system to assist with meaning, literary techniques/devices etc., chunking reading into smaller portions. 
Emerging/developing readers shortened advanced vocabulary list including coordination w/ resource reading support staff (if available) 
 Gifted Learners Extension of activity to explicitly connect to another topic, e.g., a society of the Middle Ages; 

For all: inclusion of recorded (Vocaroo) commentary/reflection with Infographic 

Formative and Summative Assessments 

Formative Assessment Summative Assessment KWL exercise to start verbal check ins during class 

Summative Assessment

Project: Infographic (4 docs required - Action Plan, Infographic, Sources document (In MLA format) and reflection (100 words) (option to record reflection using Vocaroo and submitting ’QR’ to be displayed with Infographic. 

Big Ideas to be Addressed in the Lesson: 

 Reading with understanding. Students are able to express their understanding of Globalization, they are able to discuss some examples of globalization. They are able to compare current globalization to some examples from their study of the Middle Ages. 

 Discussion Questions Write out questions that you would like students to discuss in class, before class or after class because they are interesting, support higher order thinking, and make for a lively and engaging discussion. 1. What is Globalization? 2. What are some causes of Globalization? 3. Give some examples of Globalization. 4. Is Globalization a new thing? If not, can you give an example of globalization occurring before in history? 

21st Century Knowledge and Skills 

Critical thought, Technology literacy, collaboration Use of the ‘Canva’ application to create an Infographic Some reading and analysis of be performed in class. 

Teaching Strategies 
Reading will be done in heterogeneous groups of 3 to support weaker readers. Communication Discussion/review of the classroom as a ‘safe place’, communicating visually via an Infographic Analysis and Synthesis Students should demonstrate a general understanding of globalization while also stating globalization’s possible connections to previous topics covered (e.g., the Middle Ages). 

 Consider: “In reading: Converse with the author. Assume the text makes sense. You will likely only understand the text if you assume it is meaningful and ask questions of it – if you ‘converse’ with the author.” - Grant Wiggins Teaching Strategies and Related Student Activities (Include Web 2.0 activities as appropriate): {What are the teaching strategies and activities that you plan to use to help students meet the lesson’s objectives? 

What are the steps that you will take to deliver this lesson (e.g., introduce the author, read the poem, ask students to…)?} The initial lesson should give the students a clear idea that their project is to create an infographic on an aspect of globalization which will be summatively assessed. There would be an expectation that the majority of students will do the assigned reading, both in class and at home. The creation of the infographic will also occur in class and at home 

Time within class: 10-15 minutes Intro of myself (why am I here?) Review of Ms. __________’s role as my evaluator - I am being measured on a rubric too! Confirmation that video recording is being done and noting objections to that and that I will edit video accordingly 

Time within class: 5 minutes Activity - ask them to keep a KWL list on a piece of paper that I will collect at the end of class (i.e., 1) What I know about globalization? 2) What I wonder about globalization and 3) What I learned about globalization. This can be completed throughout the class or at departure. - I will collect them at the end of the class. 

Time within class: 20-25minutes Activity: Teacher Introduction to task Review of rubric elements being addressed; and Confirmation of summative nature of this lesson’s work; Confirmation of the classroom as a safe place based on values of mutual respect, support and caring/kind approach; Confirm that the assigned chapter of the text should be reviewed but, there will be some reading/reviewing occurring during class Reminder: collect KWL sheets from students at end of class 
[End of 50 minute class] 

[Start of 80 Minute class] 

Time within class: 30 minutes Activity: Review the citation requirements demonstrate how the website “citethisforme” or “easybib” works. Review simple Action Plans and ask students to start to work on them , especially selecting the topic for their Infographic. It would be my intention to circulate within the class to see who needs detailed assistance and to answer general questions from the whole group. If there is little exchange of ideas, at first, I would use direct prompts referencing the text’s chapter on globalization to generate some discussion. Confirm that the outcome goal is an Infographic (using Canva) that will be displayed in the classroom. 

[End of 80 minute class] 

[Start of 80 Minute class] 

Time within class : 40-45 minutes Activity: I may divide the class into groups of three; it is my intention to use this as an opportunity for some ‘heterogenous’ groupings with stronger students able to be of assistance to weaker ones. [This may also be a pairing/sharing exercise but I want to keep it flexible in case larger groups make sense.] We will review the assigned text together (with some reading aloud). We will pause for some discussion about globalization and their specific topics as the opportunity arises. This is also an opportunity to review the vocabulary list. 

Time within class : 30 minutes Time to finish action plans and/or work on their infographics. Circulate throughout class to see if there are problems using Canva on their devices. The intention for this class is to get everyone finished with a developed action plan and started on their Infographics 

Time within class: 5 - 10 minutes of class Activity: review of KWL Exit tickets from last class (I Know, I Wonder, I Learned) Teacher/Student Input: Students: read some or all of the assigned portion of the text, discussion concerning Globalization. Complete a KWL exit ticket Teacher: is prepared to encourage, facilitate and moderate the students’ discussion. 

Review: Formative assessments -KWL sheet, observation of whole class discussions, and group discussion Materials and Resources for Lesson Materials, Technology, and Websites Required Preparation the Text advance reading of text Devices to create infographic using Canva teacher prepares this (if devices are limited, students can participate in teams/pairs) notes made on paper or device or white board 

Use this space to write a paragraph or two discussion how the lesson went. Be honest -- you can use this information in your reflections for Module 8. 

I have not actually taught this lesson. 

 Use this space to write notes on how you might change this lesson when you teach it again: I have not actually taught this lesson. 

References Globalization As a related concept, globalization encompasses local, national and global repercussions and expectations for our “shrinking” world. Economic globalization is the increasing integration of national economies so that resources, products and information flow more freely across borders. Globalization is an ongoing process that can accelerate, slow down, or even be reversed. Currently, many arrangements exist between countries that increase economic integration to varying degrees (that is various types of trading blocs). Globalization can be slowed or reversed when governments or other groups take actions to limit the movement of resources, products or information across borders. This can happen for many reasons, including but not limited to: war, a desire to protect domestic industries or a desire to collect taxes on imports. … It has been characterized by some geographers as a process of time–place convergence and it is characterized by an increasing interdependence among peoples and nations. The cultural, political and economic interconnectedness of the global economy is an undeniable trend that has been amplified by rapid improvements in technology and communication systems. Globalization can be simultaneously positive and negative for people and the natural environment depending on the range of changes that result and the perspective of the analyst. Globalization as a concept has also been questioned by some who have preferred to speak of processes of “westernization”, “glocalization” or “mundialization”. MYP Individuals & Society Guide, p 42 & 45: S

 Wiggin, Grant. “What Is a Big Idea?” Authentic Education - What Is a Big Idea?, Authentic Education, 10 June 2010, Save your links to ideas and resources for the lesson here. 

 My topic is: To create a one-page Infographic, using Canva, about the topic I will: Areas your research will focus on: I will start by focussing on the following sources of data about my topic: (For example, texts, websites, etc.) 
Required Documents 
 1)A written Action Plan with specific dates for completion of tasks 
2)A written list of sources in MLA format 
3)A one page Infographic 
4) 100 Word written  reflection or vocaroo recording of same (submitted as QR code) 

 Vocabulary List Globalization Transnational corporations (TNCs) Franchises Manufacturing Production Outsourcing Interconnected Connectivity International trade World Trade Organization Migration “Chinglish”


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