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Flipgrid Video Reflection - Tech. Lit., Robots and Connection


Video reflection in Tech in the classroom


M2/GR & Essay Assignment (using GRASP)

  Essay Assignment (Globalization) Goal:   Opinion Essay Writing task: Is Globalization good or bad? M2 Individuals & Society, Statement of Inquiry:  Global interactions, between individuals, corporations, and more powerful and less powerful countries have led to many changes stemming from processes involved in the quest for acquiring natural resources and public goods, or processes to produce goods for sale at a profit. These changes have affected people around the world.  Your task is: To write a 500 word essay on the following:  Is Globalization a force for good or bad? Your goal is to:  Present arguments in favour of your own opinion on the question. Provide reasons to justify and defend your opinion. The problem or challenge is: to demonstrate your understanding of Globalization and its effects.  The obstacle to overcome is: forming an opinion about Globalization;is it a good or bad thing, and why. You must support your opinion with facts and reasons. Your reasons must be supp